This Back o town small gourp van Tour Tours the heart and souls of New Olreans and all that jazz
Voodoo Queens and Mother Superiors, Privateers & Pirates and Prostitutes & Placee's,
Yes we get out of the Van and walk inside St Louis Cemetery #1 and St Louis Cemetery 2
for an in depth understanding of our burial systems plus many places the ohter tours dont go!
Visit the tomb shrne of Voodoo Queen Marie laveau and other queens graves as we explore behind the scees Voodoo and hoodoo. This 19th century cvoodoo queen is a Voodoo saint to her followers and tourists alike understand life in her times and how her spirit moves us today.. This Tomb Shrine is venrated by many and misunderstood by most. The exvotives and offerings are explained as you learn to connect at the number 1 visited tomb in the country!
Free women of color and white women too have beeen a large part of New Orleans Voodoo from the begiining and you are toured by inititaed and ordained Voodoo clergy who are also acutally born and raised in New Orleans who will give you the inside story form the Source!
3 Catholic saints were born also out of what was called" The Great Babylon of the South".
So See old convents and churches - one that upcoming Catholic Saint Henriette Delilie practiced out of. Visit the tomb of Henrieete in St Louis 2 and See where she took her vows ta St Augustine Catholic church
New Orleans has always had her share of sinners - living and dead and we will talk of both as we take a trip through the lives of New Olreans Sinners and Saints, Privateers, pirates, prostitutes and see how they worked together to create Americas most Mystical city and get to the Root of many of our unusual customs- Voodoo
See America's First Historic Red Ligth District -old Storyville and hear some behind the scenes tidbits about the mayhem and the music that seranaded their trrade- Jazz and Blues Plus the hoodoo spells they used to get through it all. Visit Louis Armstrong Jazz Park too
See 3 important New Orleans Churches Plus the Sacred Ground of Congo Square - the only meeting place for the Slaves in North America where Historic Voodoo Rituals were held since the 1700's.
PLUS make and keep your own Lousisana Moss voodoo doll inside Congo Square i Learn not only the craft behind the misunderstoof effigy but how to use it to achieve goals, thawrt negativity or attract love. Dispel the hollywood method and makeit for yourself,your friend or evn your bosss! But see what else to do to achieve your desireswithout havig to stick the pins in for harm